Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Two Balinese Shorthaired kittens available in January 2014

Margot is a lilac point shorthair and her brother Madiba is a Seal point shorthair. Both have already been spayed and neutered. They are both the offspring of KC and Angus. Angus a Seal point shorthair from South Africa has joined Balilas. This is his first litter.

Monday, July 29, 2013

New Website Look

www.balilasbalinese.com will soon have a new look! I am excited that my updated website will be up and running later this Summer. It should allow me to post pictures more frequently and keep everyone up to date about coming kittens.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Carlo is now living happily ever after in Vancouver.

His son Balias Sir Isaac Newton born November 20th is looking to be adopted. Isaac is a Lilac Point Shorthaired Balinese. I will post photos very soon.