Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandra, Just checking out the little bali-babies! Love the picture of Liam, Lucy and kittens.
    Ricky Ricardo is such a wonderful cat, he's sooo smart and the most sociable guy around. We love him so much and know he's one special cat. We will have to send you some pics, he is actually quite dark in colour.
    Our Harley shepherd passed away in Nov.2009. We searched for a long while to find that special breeder that matches the love, devotion and commitment to the breed you have with your balinese. We will have the new pup in the fall and I know Ricky will enforce the household rules. He is such a character!
    Hope all is well with you and your family.
    All the best for 2010.

    If we were not getting another dog, I would have certainly ask for the one male lilac lynx point. Beautiful, beautiful bali's
